jueves, 18 de mayo de 2023

THUNDERSTEEL: #04 (2017)

THUNDERSTEEL: The Real Cult Radio
Chapter IV: Holy Symphony in the land of Warriors
Conduccion: Lucas Thunder & Fer Ville


1. Riot (US): Thundersteel
2. At Vance (Alemania): Money, Money
3. Dragonland (Alemania): Neverending Story
4. Blind Guardian (Alemania): Valhalla
5. Running Wild (Alemania): Riding the Storm
Entrevista a Afterdreams (Argentina)
6. Afterdreams (Argentina): The Song of Time
7. Jag Panzer (US): Reign of the Tyrants
8. Cloven Hoof (UK): Time to Burn
9. Silent Force (Alemania): No One Lives Forever
10. Warmen (Finlandia): Spark
Entrevista a Ariadna Project (Argentina)
11. Ariadna Project (Argentina): Corriendo Libre
12. Helloween (Alemania): Dr Stein
13. Rhapsody of Fire (Italia): Holy Thunderforce
14. Leather Leone (US) Image and Me Alive


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